JLB Marketing & Consulting
We help businesses develop tailored marketing strategies and a marketing plan that drives results.
We use the 5 P's marketing tool to position your business strategically; product, price, promotion, place and people. Other tools we use include a review of your primary competition, target audience segmentation and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis.
Marketing strategy is the section of your business plan that outlines your overall game plan for finding clients and customers for your business. Sometimes marketing strategy is confused with marketing plan, but they are different. Marketing plan details how you'll achieve those goals. A marketing plan details the actions and tactics used to help the business achieve whereas strategy answers the questions of when, where and how.
Whether it’s developing a brand for a new business or redeveloping a brand in Rochester Minnesota or Southeastern Minnesota, JLB Marketing and Consulting has you covered. Brand awareness is when customers can identify your business among others in your industry. Brand identity is more than your company logo, images, font, colors and tag line. Brand is also about creating your story, messages and experience that customers can expect to receive from your business and organization every time they come in contact with you.
“A brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, service or organization” –Marty Neumeier
With an analytical and creative approach, our marketing techniques help you reach your current and future customers.