You likely have put a lot of time, money and planning into your 2020 marketing plan. Now, with the pandemic you may be left wondering what to do or maybe you have already cancelled or paused some of your marketing efforts. After reading this article I hope you can see various ways to make adjustments and move forward. Two of the most important elements to keep in mind are your goals and your target audience. Here are a few marketing tips for what you could do today, soon or have ready for when this pandemic has passed.
Tactic & Campaign Changes Can you start a campaign that was planned for the Summer or Fall now? Could you change the marketing mix/tactic? For example, change in person efforts to a phone call, email, video call, text, or online? Will you still achieve similar anticipated results?
Consider New Marketing Strategies Now more than ever there are causes that could use your support. When done correctly, cause marketing is a win for the cause and a win for your business. For example, a local church hosted an Easter parking lot service and collect canned food to donate to a local food shelf. Consider alliance marketing, cooperating with another business or organization that has a similar target audience, product/service.
Create Future Social Media Posts If you use Facebook, check out the Publishing Tool to save and schedule a future post. For example, design your holiday ads; July 4, Thanksgiving & Christmas.
Testimonials and Google Ratings Reach out to past customers and ask them to write a testimonial or write a review on Google. Use the testimonials on your website, social media, and other marketing materials. Offer a promotion or discount to those that participate.
Conduct a Survey Call, email, or mail a survey to current, past or your ideal customers so that you can gather data about their wants, needs, preferences etc.
5 W's and SWOT Analysis Remember that you have a product/service that is likely solving a problem or pain point. What do you have to offer? For whom? What problem are you solving? What are the benefits? When, where and how can they get your product/service? Why should they buy from you vs another company? Conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis on your business and your competition?
Stay Positive During this pandemic there have been days that I will never forget; ones that I will cherish forever (my new office buddies-aka kids doing distance learning) and days I hope to forget. Remember you are not alone, we are in this together! This to shall pass. Please know that I 100% understand that every business, owner, staff and customer is effected uniquely by this pandemic. Please take what you like from this article and leave the rest. Need Help? Email me, call me 507-400-8040 to request a free SWOT analysis template or schedule a phone or video consultation. I will help you plan and implement all of these tips, giving you the freedom to stay focused on the many other aspects of your business.
